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Forum / Klubbinformation / Styrelsen informerar / Hemsidan / Nya forumet
- Detta ämne har 126 svar, 48 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast 2011-05-12 14:56 av tobias.
maj 2, 2011 at 21:26 #172670
Provade att registrera mig och misslyckades först gången, då skrev jag koden med stroa bokstäver för att det stod så på bilden men vid nästa försök skrev jag små och då funkade det bättre.
emul wrote:>> Erik Streda
Categories? As for the SSR-part we have decided that all info about each model should be easy to find while searching. The line between rally / trim and an updated engine in a standard car is least to say unclear. The alternative to this was a solution as STCS – ALL engine-related things in one thread. ALL chassi-related things in one thread. No model specific threads at all. As for my personal opinion the best alternative but alot of people find it hard to realize that all Saabs are Saabs and the model categories stays.Well. I have a different opinion about it.
It is not only tech-related stuff, but also history-stuff. It is a lot easier to find the Sport&Rally plus Tuning related things in an extra forum. It worked very well for a long time, so I don’t see why you need to change it?
I think it will be difficult to find the stuff that someone is searching for.
I am mainly reading the S&R-forum. If I have to read through all posts in a 96 and 99 forum, this will take a lot of time that I don’t have. The search eats time, too.
But okay, if you think it is better like this. I will try and see if I stay with the forum.
I doubt it will be better than the setup that was on here for many years. ”Never change a running system”.
Best Regards,
Erikmaj 3, 2011 at 04:38 #172674Thats is a large problem with designing the new forum. Everyone has a their own wishes based on their own interest, and often those wishes often collide. Simply said, we can’t make a design that fits all users.
maj 3, 2011 at 05:26 #172678>> Aero16v
En lista med senaste inlägg får du om du klickar på ”Visa senaste inlägg” som är ett av alternativen längst upp under infotexten om forumet.[/quote]
Problemet är ju bara att ”visa senaste inlägg” och ”visa aktiva trådar” ger samma lista där man måste leta vad som hänt sedan sist och inte som tidigare då det var senaste inläggen i en tråd som visades.
Den ”skumma igenom sedan igår” funktionen var riktigt bra tidigare.
// ThomasPatrik Hermansson wrote:Thats is a large problem with designing the new forum. Everyone has a their own wishes based on their own interest, and often those wishes often collide. Simply said, we can’t make a design that fits all users.Yes, that is clear.
But right now I can’t see why you have to change the old setup?
I think it would be possible to setup the new forum in a very similar manner.Are there so many complaints about the old structur that this has lead you to choose a different structur?
Best Regards,
ErikWhen we had this discussion, I took a look at the current top 20 topics in SSR, as below.
It’s not meant to upset, annoy or make things harder. The point is that ALOT of the things in SSR has been things interesting not only to those interested in rally. To modify brakes, tune, rebuild and so on is relevant as well for people not as such interested in SSR
All topics below were posted in SSR. I can see that some would fit in an SSR-category, but they might just as well fit somewhere else.
Får jag .. enl AppK?
Miljöbensin aspen95/96
Bygga V4 för racing
Renovering stdB-ljuddämpare 95:a
96 V4 alternativa motorer och lådor
Att rulla en Saab
Roterande filar
När kom korsinsuget
Dubbelblås och oljesticka
Renovera gamla Recaro
Montera Facet Red Top liggande99
Saab 99 i rallyBilder & Media
Nilssons bygge AppK
SSK serien -76
99 rally
Saab V4 med superklösKÖPES
Bakskärm Saab 96
Provåkningmaj 3, 2011 at 07:09 #172690I personally has no clear opinion on the categories as I almost always use Active topics and read the posts that looks interesting, no matter in what category it is.
But we have decided to try this layout for now, but it’s always open for discussion.maj 3, 2011 at 10:43 #172698Det där får du utveckla mer? Har det med färgsättningen att göra eller vad?
maj 3, 2011 at 12:00 #172701emul wrote:>> LE 2,0 Thomas
Jag förstår hur du menar. Men om du klickar på ”Visa nya inlägg” och sedan ”Visa senaste inlägget till höger så uppnår du väl samma sak?Nja….
Håller inte med. I det gamla forumet ser jag senaste inlägget i en tråd inte som i det nya där jag bara ser första rubriken och måste klicka mig in i tråden.
Det jag menade med att ”skumma igenom” är att som jag (som kollar varje dag, ibland mer) kunna se om det hänt något spännande redan vid första kollen och sedan gå till tråden om jag vill se mer.Jämför så ser du nog vad jag menar.
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